Leave all things substitute teaching to Swing
Get instant access to our latest eBook for school and district leaders.

How Swing partners with you
Running a school comes with many unique obstacles and challenges. Luckily, you don’t have to solve them all on your own. From substitute coordinators to assistant superintendents of HR to principals, Swing in your partner is substitute management.
In this eBook, you’ll learn how Swing works with different roles at the school and district level to help ease the burden of substitute management.
✅ Substitute Coordinators✅ Principals
✅ Directors of Human Resources
✅ Assistant Superintendents of Human Resources
Download Now
About Swing Education
Swing Education recruits subs in your community, verifies credentials and matches them to your requests. Filling staffing gaps for professional development days, vacation requests, field trips, activities, and emergencies are just a few examples of how Swing supports our partners.