SwingCert makes it simple to get a 1-year Emergency 30-Day Permit
Earn More
Schools offer 20% more pay and twice as many job options to subs with permits
Expert Guidance
Swing has helped hundreds of subs get their permit - we're here to support you, too
Less Hassle
With Swing's help, take the guesswork out of getting your permit
How does it work?
6 Simple Steps
1 Great Permit
1. Register
(1 minute)
2. Complete Questionnaire
(4 minutes)
3. Complete and Submit Registration Forms
(1 week) ($70-80)
4. Pay for Permit
(4 minutes) ($103)
5. Forward issued permit as soon as you receive it!
(send to permits@swingeducation.com)
(Up to $150 reimbursed)
6. Finish your SwingSub onboarding
“Maria was an EXCELLENT troubleshooting rep! In all, Maria assisted me 4 different times for a total of 2 hours. She is worthy to be acknowledged and commended!”
Sacramento Substitute
“Ece was polite and helpful. She followed up in a timely manner. Most importantly she was able to resolve my issue... The permit made a big difference in the jobs I see.”
San Jose Substitute
“Matt was entirely on top of things! Always answered any of my questions. Responded to them in a timely fashion. Greatest service I've had in a while.”
Los Angeles Substitute
“Matt and Maria are very timely in their communications and I appreciate their guidance through the 30-day emergency certification/permit process.”
Los Angeles Substitute